Jun Bin,Jian Kuo,Bing Xiang and Teay Siew Linh(can say new friend? o.O)and me were celebrate Pn. Winnie's birthday at the school canteen during afternoon section's recess time. =D The others put aeroplane !!!!! >.<
They brought a birthday cake with 1 kilogram...zZz...and we cannot finish it...OSHHH....
* Can you see the cartoon on the cake? hehe~
And still,I was talking some 'COLD joke' to them,and they were nothing to say,just sweat ! yeah ! xD Or if you feel cold you can go to Winter Time to buy...Ar Ha Ha,you know ! xD
Today,1st of November,I have to start my tuition T^T . Actually I have a little bit excited X) And tomorrow we have to train marching for the year-end Camping Campfire.
Friends,Teamates,Add Oil !!! We can do it, Gambatte ! =D